Step2-Using the Ai Chat-Bot Feature

In this tutorial, we’re going to show you how to use the Ai chat-bot feature in Content Wizard Ai.

  1. First, Login to your Content-Wizard Ai app account.
  2. Once logged in, you are taken to the dashboard.
  3. Select Ai Chat in the left-hand column.
  4. After that choose the default Lucas Ai Chat-Bot, and select, Chat Now.
  5. From here, you are taken to the chat-bot screen.
  6. Select new conversation from the left column to begin using the chat-bot.
  7. Next, enter the prompt into the field where it says, “Type your message here”. For this tutorial, we're going to enter the following prompt. “Can you create an offer letter for a data analyst 70k salary per year and a start date of 7-5-2023”.
  8. After that, press send to generate the response.
  9. That’s it!!
  10. If you choose to you can also export your conversation as a .txt file.

That concludes this tutorial!