Step 3-Combining Features (Templates & Ai Chat-Bot)

In the two previous lessons for this course, we learned how to use templates and the writing assistant to automatically generate content. We also learned how to generate content using the Chat-bot feature as a conversational tool as well.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to utilize both features to generate high-quality content and maximize the benefits of Content-Wizard Ai.

To get started you should be logged in to your Content-Wizard Ai admin account.

For this demonstration we are going to create a scenario where you would like to write an article or blog about a particular topic.

To start, we’ll engage in an interactive conversation with the Chat-bot research tool.

First, select Ai chat from the left column.

Next, select new conversation to start a new chat.

For our topic, let’s choose Southern California Beaches.

Enter the following prompt into the message field. “Can you provide a list of beaches in Southern California”

Next, press send to generate the response.

Great, We now have a list of Southern California beaches that we can write about.

Let’s select and copy the first five.

Now let’s exit out of the Ai Chat screen and go back to the dashboard.

Next, select templates and choose the Article Writer template.

In the Article Title field, enter “The Best Beaches in Southern California”

This will be the title of our article.

Next, in the keywords field, we’re going to enter our title again, followed by a comma.

After that, paste the information that we copied from the Ai chat, into the keywords field, next to the title phrase.

Once we’ve pasted it into the field, we want to make sure that we seperate each phrase with a comma.

Next, enter the information into the remaining fields based on your preferences.

After that, select generate to see the results.

Great. By combining automated content generation and the interactive conversational features of Content-Wizard Ai, we were able to create high-quality content that can be used for an article or blog post.

Once completed, you can save or export your document.

This concludes this lesson.